I met Marco for the first time when I attended the University in Bologna. We had a lot of common exams and later 5 years we took our degrees... Then I moved to Germany, you already know it, and he moved to Portand USA. We worked in research centers with different research objectives... Finally he decided to prolong his studies in USA where he found a wonderful girl called Sara from Sweden.
I didn't see Marco for a long time even if we kept in touch by email. And yesterday my heart was full of emotion while I was seeing him get married...! At the same time I had the opportunity to know his wife and his new parent in law! We talked to each other a little bit... She is so nice girl very friendly that you feel familiar to immediatly!
So me and some friends from University had a great celebration! We also learnt how to dance Sirtaki, because a close friend of Marco is from Greece... :-)
At the end of the day we gave them our little gift: 2 big baggages! :-)
It's amazing thinking than 10 years ago we were always together and now he's going to live in Sweden with his beautiful wife!
For sure I'll miss them! But I'm also sure that we are welcome in Sweden! So... Even if I've already been in Stockolm, we can easly visit Goteborg where they're going to live!
And don't forget: LIFE IS AMAZING!
It's a shame I couldn't be there, it looks like you had a lot of fun!
Congratulations to Sara and Marco,
you are really a cute couple guys!
Nice blog! Life is really amazing!
I'm still recovering from the wedding organization... I'm sure Gianluca understands what I'm talking about.
Matteo: never give up!
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